This site provides the databases on turbulent flows, which were provided at Turbulence and Heat Transfer Laboratory (THTLAB; Nobuhide Kasagi Lab.), The University of Tokyo, until March 2012.

In order to access a database, please follow each link on the menu bar.

We also welcome your contribution to improve these databases. For suggestions or questions, please send an e-mail to info(at)

This site is maintained by the following voluntary members.
Members:Koji Fukagata (Keio University)
Yosuke Hasegawa (The University of Tokyo)
Oaki Iida (Nagoya Institute of Technology)
Kaoru Iwamoto (Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology)
Akiyoshi Kuroda (Hokkaido University)
Koichi Nishino (Yokohama National University)
Yuji Suzuki (The University of Tokyo)
Former Advisor: Nobuhide Kasagi

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