Album of Flow Visualization

Turbulent Boundary Layer

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Copyright(C)1980 Y. IRITANI, N. KASAGI and M. HIRATA, All rights reserved.

Turbulent Boundary Layer

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Copyright(C)1980 Y. IRITANI, N. KASAGI and M. HIRATA, All rights reserved.

Impinging Jet

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Copyright(C)1978 S. YOKOBORI, N. KASAGI and M. HIRATA, All rights reserved.

Axi-Symmetric Jet

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Copyright(C)1983 J. KURIMA, N. KASAGI and M. HIRATA, All rights reserved.

FCFC Surface

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Copyright(C)1983 M. IKEYAMA, N. KASAGI and M. HIRATA, All rights reserved.

Quasi-coherent structures in numerically simulated turbulentchannel flow

Low pressure regions (white, p'+<-3.0) in the lower half of thecomputational volume (mesh spacings in the streamwise directionand spanwise direction,100 wall units; mesh spacings in the wall-normaldirection, 50 wall units)

Refernece: Kasagi, N., and Ohtsubo, Y., 1994, Turbulent ShearFlows VIII, 97, Springer-Verlag, Berlin.

Copyright(C)1992 N. KASAGI and Y. OHTSUBO, All rights reserved.

Pressure and velocity vectors in the plane perpendicular to theflow (red, low pressure region; blue, high pressure region; mesh spacings, 50 wall units)

Copyright(C)1992 N. KASAGI and Y. OHTSUBO, All rights reserved.

Ejections (yellow, u'<0, v'>0, and u'+v'+<-3) and sweeps(green, u'>0, v'<0, and u'+v'+<-3) accompanied by vorticalstructures (white, p'+<-3)

Copyright(C)1992 N. KASAGI and Y. OHTSUBO, All rights reserved.

High-rated production regions of Reynolds stress (red, P12<-0.2)and high velocity pressure gradient correlation regions (purple,f12>0.3) accompanied by vortical structures (white, p'+<-3)

Copyright(C)1992 N. KASAGI and Y. OHTSUBO, All rights reserved.

Low and high temperature regions (blue, T'+<-1.0; red, T'+>1.0) and velocity vectors in the x-z plane (1600*600 wall units) at Pr=0.71

Copyright(C)1992 N. KASAGI and Y. OHTSUBO, All rights reserved.

Low and high temperature regions (blue, T'+<-0.03; red, T'+>0.03) and velocity vectors in the x-z plane at Pr=0.025

Copyright(C)1992 N. KASAGI and Y. OHTSUBO, All rights reserved.

High turbulent heat flux regions and low pressure regions (Pr=0.025)(red, n'+T'+(Q1)>0.23; blue, n'+T'+(Q3)>0.23; white, p'+<-3.0)

Copyright(C)1992 N. KASAGI and Y. OHTSUBO, All rights reserved.

Production and destruction regions of the wall-normal turbulentheat flux at Pr=0.71 (red, production>0.2; blue, dissipation>0.08;purple, temperature pressure gradient correlation<-0.3; white,low pressure region, p'+<-3.0)

Copyright(C)1992 N. KASAGI and Y. OHTSUBO, All rights reserved.

Production and destruction regions of the wall-normal turbulentheat flux at Pr=0.025 (red, production>0.2; blue, dissipation>0.08;white, low pressure region, p'+<-3.0)

Copyright(C)1992 N. KASAGI and Y. OHTSUBO, All rights reserved.

Instantaneous 3-D velocity vectors over the riblet surfacemeasured with the 3-D PTV

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Copyright(C)1994 Y. SUZUKI and N. KASAGI, All rights reserved.

Turbulence flow measurements over a riblet surface with theaid of 3-D PTV

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Mean velocity vectors over the riblet surface in the cross-streamplane: LHS; Drag reducing condition, RHS; Drag increasing condition.Reference vectors at the bottom of figures denote 0.5% of themaximum velocity.

Refernece: Suzuki, Y., and Kasagi, N., 1994, AIAA J., 32, 1781.

Copyright(C)1994 Y. SUZUKI and N. KASAGI, All rights reserved.

Turbulent air flow measurement with the aid of 3-D PTV in acurved square duct

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Turbulent air flow in an 180 degree bend of square sectioned ductwas measured with the aid of 3-D PTV. The Reynolds number andthe Dean number were 17400 and 6720, respectively. He-filled soupbubble, of which specific density were very close to that of air,was employed as a flow tracer. The figure shows mean velocityvectors in the cross-stream plane of the bottom half of the ductat 90 deg . The right and left end respectively corresponds tothe inner and outer wall, and the flow goes out of the screen.Reference vectors at the bottom of figure denotes10% of the bulkmean velocity. The present results are generally in accordancewith the LDV data of Chang et al. (1983).

Refernece: Ijichi, M., Suzuki, Y., Sato, K., and Kasagi, N.,1994, JSME Reprints, No. 940-53, (in Japanese).

Copyright(C)1994 Y. SUZUKI and N. KASAGI, All rights reserved.

Simultaneous Measurement of Three-Dimensional Object Motion/Deformationand Circumambient Fluid Flow

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Reference: Sata, Y. and Kasagi, N., Flow Visualization VII,J. P. Crowder, Ed., Proc. 7th Int. Symp. Flow Visualization, Seattle,Sept. 1995, Begell House, New York, pp. 721-726.

Copyright(C)1995 Y. SATA and N. KASAGI, All rights reserved.

3-D Channel Flow

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The time evolution of the flow field in thechannel from t+ = 0 to 129.6 is shown in Figure. The white andblue contour surfaces in the sequence of top (x-z) views respectivelyrepresent the low-pressure and low-speed regions, i.e., vorticalstructures and wall-layer streaks. The meandering of the streak,which is known to be one of the major phases in the regenerationmechanism of the streamwise vortices (Hamilton et al., 1995),is seen at t+ = 57.6 and later.

Reference: Satake, S. and Kasagi, N., 1995. Proc 10th Turbulenceshear flows, Penn. State, pp. 11-1-11-6.

Copyright(C)1996 S. SATAKE and N. KASAGI, All rights reserved.

3-D Turbulent Channel Flow at Re_tau = 650

The time evolution of the turbulent flow field in the plane channel at Re_tau = 650 from t+ = 0 to 61 is shown. The white and blue iso-surfaces in the sequence represent the vortical structures (the second invariant of the deformation tensor Q+ = -0.05) and the low-speed regions (u'+ = -3), respectively. We use the convective frame of observation (Uc+ = 16) that provides the best visualization of the vortical structures. The color contour on the side slice plane represents instantaneous streamwise velocity fluctuations (blue to red, -2 to 2), while the vectors on the cross-stream plane are the instantaneous velocity components in that plane.

Reference: Iwamoto, K., Suzuki, Y., and Kasagi, N., 2002. "Reynolds Number Effect on Wall Turbulence: Toward Effective Feedback Control," Int. J. Heat and Fluid Flow, Vol. 23, pp. 678-689.

Copyright(C) 2002 K. IWAMOTO, N. KASAGI and Y. SUZUKI, All rights reserved.

Turbulent Flow over a Wavy Wall

DNS of turbulent flow over a wavy wall at Re_tau = 150 was carried out by means of a pseudo-spectral method. The amplitude and wave length of the surface are 0.1h and 1.31h respectively, where h is the depth of the channel. a) The white represents vortical structures (the second invariant of deformation tensor Q+ = -0.1), and the color contour indicate low and high shear regions (blue to red) on the surface. b) The color contour and vectors represent the pressure (blue to red, -20 to 20) and the velocity fluctuations on the x-y plane (parallel to the mean flow direction and normal to the surface).

Copyright(C) 2003 Y. HASEGAWA and N. KASAGI. All rights reserved.

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